Would you listen to the voice Mr President?

By Emmanuel Senga

Fellow Rwandans,

What is exactly our moment? Are we in a Kingdom, an Autocratic Revolutionary Republic? Or somewhere in an island under the South Pacific Ocean?

Who told you that  there is a Democracy, a narrative on Human Rights, a Rule of Law… simply made in and for Rwanda?

Who inspired you to see yourself as different from others? Because you got a genocide, because you are a landlocked country, because you have powerful friends, because you inspire terror to neighbors?

Who gave you the authority to stand against everyone in controlling your people? Is this because your people is so scary, so desperate, so divided, so unfit to defeat you? Free and release all political prisoners.

Who will resist  you?  The Elections, the new Revolution, the People, the Army, the combination of the two?

To be fair why don’t you follow the common examples and organize presidential debates, very weak in case of Uganda and powerful in America, but at least controversial voices on  how to lead a country.

Can you do the same?  Why not?

I know you fear the language, the attitude, the truth, the lies, everything, but you also have to remember that no power lasts forever,  and allow the power to be debated by valuable candidates.

May  Almighty God inspire you. Amen.




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