Rwanda/politics: do you think he can?

On Jefferson Public Radio, few days ago, he spoke about nonviolence, and his candidacy for 2017 presidential.

He said that, he can do it peacefully.
He added, he knows the degree of the risk to return home, as a serious opponent, but ready to pay the price. His name is, Father Thomas Nahimana.

He beleaves that, HE CAN, and ready for sacrifice! He believes, a successful revolution is possible from rwandese people itself, together with good leaders.

Could his dream become reality? I have no answer. Have you?

The following is the interview on Jefferson Public Radio:

Comment from website of Southwestern an Oregon community college, where he hold a lecture and discussion, about « Lessons in Nonviolent Conflict Resolution”.

Thomas Nahimana believes that peaceful conflict resolution and true reconciliation are primarily based on Gandhi and Tolstoi’s principles of nonviolence philosophy (ahisma/satyagraha). These principles are very useful in resolving conflicts at all levels: inter-personal, family, school, community, national and international levels. Moreover, these nonviolence principles can be used not only as a philosophy but also as a strategy and a means to achieve political and social change.

Thomas Nahimana is a Rwandan, Catholic priest born in 1971. He grew up in Rwanda and experienced very hard moments of civil war and genocide (1990-1994). He then devoted his life toward peaceful conflict resolution and reconciliation. He launched and monitored the training of 2500 Peace Artisans and Reconciliation Mediators in the Cyangugu Catholic Diocese.

Mr. Nahimana studied in Rwanda and France. He holds degrees in Theology (Bachelors), Law (Masters) and he is finishing his dissertation for a PhD of Philosophy. He holds a diploma as a Nonviolence Trainer delivered by the International Fellowship of Reconciliation (IFOR).

Since December 2005, Thomas has been living in exile in Normandy France where he mainly works in family conflict resolution. In 2013, he and his friends launched a political party, the ISHEMA Party, with nonviolence as a strategy to achieve democratic change in Rwanda. Currently, the ISHEMA Party leads the « New Generation Leadership Movement”. In 2015, Thomas Nahimana was nominated as a presidential candidate by the congress of his party and will soon return to Rwanda in order to register his party and challenge the dictator Paul Kagame in the 2017 presidential elections.


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